Montag, 15. November 2010


The glasses connoiseurer from the blog FRAME MAGAZINE visited our studio and had a little shooting with MANIKÓ clothes and diverse designer glasses. Check this post if you wanna see how Madlen and Isabelle look with some of them and what they think about glasses as accessory. Very interesting!

Mittwoch, 27. Oktober 2010

MANIKÓ goes Switzerland

People from Zurich: Get ready for a night out with fashion featuring MANIKÓ on Nov 18!
You'll experience a high fashion runway show, be able to buy the looks you like, and take them home with you that night. Not only that, you'll enjoy beauty consultations by Toni & Guy Hairdressing, head & neck massages by U'nique Personal Grooming, and fitness tips from the Holmes Place Zurich team, while you sip on specialty cocktails from our open bar. Bring a friend and enjoy the show!

Heinrichstrasse 237,

Click here for more information!

Dienstag, 26. Oktober 2010


THE OFFER needs your help! Since MANIKÓ is part of it too, it's much more important to let you know what we try to realize:

At a time where it’s simply unacceptable not to be part of the online fashion universe, the Berlin-based
label network The Offer made the conscious decision to present itself on the classic platform of fashion
with its THE OFFER MAGAZINE ISSUE #1 In line with the label collective’s fashion and accessories, they not only focus on the touch, feel and experience of their fashion – they also want to take a stand parallel to the exciting and continuously growing world of fashion blogs.

The magazine is not only going to communicate The Offer’s aesthetic philosophy and creative standards,
thus also telling stories about life and work in Berlin, Europe’s most creative city. It also functions as an
almost practical basic commodity and tool to present and make transparent the design network’s way of
working – as a whole, but also by featuring the labels and people who are part of it at the moment.


In order for THE OFFER MAGAZINE Issue #1 to be able to go into print with a number of 5.000 copies and to cover for layout and shooting expenses, we need your support, both financially and spiritually.
You can support us by telling your friends and colleagues about our project, or by helping us by clicking
on one of the buttons on our website, thereby donating your chosen amount of money to the project.
As a thank-you, our supporters will be listed in the magazine. Also, they are going to receive an invite
to THE OFFER MAGAZINE ISSUE #1 release party. In the weeks following the event, the magazine can be purchased in galleries and shops throughout Berlin.

Montag, 25. Oktober 2010


eVe without adam, the world wide platform for women, presented our label and current aw lookbook 2010/11 on their blog and we love the wonderful post! Thank you so much, ladies.
If you haven't discovered their lovely page including the green apple, eden and various blogs - go for it. It's worth it. For the article about MANIKÓ click here!

Freitag, 24. September 2010

Zarte Materialien

The german newspaper Berliner Zeitung recently published an article regarding the fashion scene of our wonderful capital. They also interviewed Madlen and Isabelle about MANIKÓ, especially their current aw 10/11 collection. Buy your own copy at your local dealer today or read it online here.


Clare Potts posted another lovely post about our new autumn/winter collection on the english fashion, photography and art blog TWEET. And she definitely nailed it! Thank you for all those nice words and the immense positive feedback. Have a look at it here.

Sonntag, 12. September 2010


tragbar mode/design pop up store in Leipzig wrote a nice post about our new aw 10/11 collection on their blog! Read it here and visit their store when you're in Leipzig! You can shop MANIKÓ there, too.

Donnerstag, 9. September 2010


Today is the day! The German Fashion Server opens it virtual doors. Get local fashion labels like Mila Miyahara, Von Bardonitz, Tata Christiane and MANIKÓ! We're glad to be part of it. You can now buy our clothes in the most easiest and comfortable way - online. Just click here and have a look at our profil. And of course, don't forget to shop!

MANIKÓ at Skyy Swapp Market

picture by

Freitag, 27. August 2010


MANIKÓ's new aw 10/11 collection is out now!
Anne Wilk shot the dynamic-glamorous photos in industrial atmosphere, Abra Kennedy is responsible for the beautiful make-up and hair of gorgeous M4 model Ann-Christin who was styled by the lovely Manuel Romen from Blossom Management. So, again: THANK YOU!
You all did a great job and we're very proud about this result.

See the whole lookbook on our homepage!

Donnerstag, 26. August 2010

Behind drawn curtains

Mariana from the german liefestyle, fashion, music blog Rundsicht visited our atelier and got a preview what the new autumn/winter collection 2010 is going to look like. Thank you so much for the nice article! Check the whole blog post here

Donnerstag, 19. August 2010

Erswappt euch Manikó auf den Skyy Swap Market

Am 27. August findet im Stadtbad Oderberger Straße in Berlin Mitte zum zweiten Mal der “Skyy Swap Market” statt. Bei dieser Veranstaltung kann man liebgewonnene und hochwertige Kleidungstücke und Accessoires, aber auch Bücher, Platten und andere Designobjekte tauschen. Der Erlös kommt der Berliner Aidshilfe e.V. zu Gute. Bislang konnte man u.a. Gegenstände von Prominenten und anderen Leuten mit den eigenen tauschen. In diesem Jahr kann man dies aber auch mit Kollektionsteilen von Berliner Labels tun. Deshalb haben sich einige Labels von dem Design Netzwerk “The Offer” dazu entschlossen, sich zu beteiligen. Jeder hat nun die Gelegenheit, ungetragene Schätze aus seinem Kleiderschrank mit anderen zu tauschen und bald kann man so vielleicht ein tolles neues Stück von Tata Christiane, Manikó, 25Pieces, Gabriel&Schwan, Comtesse de La Haye, ICA Watermelon, Helena Koj oder von Bardonitz sein Eigen nennen.Dazu gibt es Skyy-Cocktails und musikalische Untermalung.

Die Veranstalter erklären den Ablauf:
“Eingereicht werden können werden hochwertige und neuwertige Kleider, Accessoires, Designobjekte, Platten und Bücher. Die abgegebenen Tauschgegenstände werden in den SWAP-Spots nach Art und Zustand bewertet und erhalten eine bestimmte Punktzahl. Die Gesamtpunktzahl für die Tauschgegenstände wird auf einem Gutschein gemeinsam mit dem Namen des Swappers eingetragen. Der Gutschein kann am Veranstaltungsabend gegen sogenannte SWAP-Jetons eingetauscht werden, die als Währung für den Abend dienen. Mit den Jetons kann man sich Tauschgegenstände im Gegenwert der erhaltenen Jetons aussuchen und auch Drinks bezahlen. Alle, die im Vorfeld keine Gegenstände abgegeben haben, können Jetons auch am Abend selbst kaufen. Jetons, die nicht verbraucht werden, können gespendet werden. Der Erlös der Veranstaltung kommt der Berliner Aidshilfe e.V. zugute. Einmal getauschte Ware kann nicht zurückgetauscht oder in Geld ausbezahlt werden.”

Und hier die Swap-Spots, bei denen vorher die Ware angenommen werden:
SKYY SWAP Spot “Das Neue Schwarz”
Mulackstrass 32
10119 Berlin Mitte
Mo, Do – Sa 12 – 20h

SKYY SWAP Spot “La Lip”
Unlike Gallery / La Lip Showroom
Chausseestr. 116 (Hinterhof)
10115 Berlin Mitte
DO , FR 12 – 20 H, Sa 12 – 16h

SKYY SWAP Spot “Kauf Dich Glücklich Am Park”
Kastanienallee 54
10119 Berlin Mitte
MO – SO 11-20h

Die Veranstaltung findet am Freitag, 27. August 2010, 21 Uhr, im Stadtbad Oderberger (Oderbergerstrasse 57/59) in Berlin Mitte statt.
Der Beginn der Party ist 23 Uhr und der Eintritt für alle, die im Vorfeld keine Kleider abgegeben haben, kostet fünf Euro.
Anmelden kann man sich auch unter

Dienstag, 10. August 2010


On the occasion of this July’s Berlin Fashion Week and within the context of an extraordinary performance/exhibition concept, the Berlin-based label collective The Offer presented the collections of its ten designers On July 7th at Black Box Theater. Every designer presented one model, clothed all in white.
The effect thus achieved between the different kinds of white fabrics and materials and the all-black space they are located in, was accentuated by an individual and original light concept as well as a song especially composed for the event.

So, for all those who didn't attend this magical event - here's the video:

The Offer - Black Box Theater from valquire veljkovic on Vimeo.

Freitag, 23. Juli 2010

Leipzig, Leipzig

MANIKÓ is now also available in beautiful Leipzig at the shop tragbar Mode/Design.
Their Pop Up store with special designersale includes e.g. German Garment, Lotta Heart, Adddress and many more interesting labels. We're glad to be involved and hope you come by!

tragbar Mode/Design
Grimmaische Strasse 13-15
Hansa Haus/Specks Hof
04109 Leipzig

More information and the whole post on their Blog.

For everyone in Berlin - you can still buy our clothes in Cube (DomAquaree) until the end of August and at Frankfurter Allee 89 in Berlinomat.

Dienstag, 20. Juli 2010


Marc Boesing shooted Anja Bruhn's collection "Tous Le Jours" with some MANIKÓ pieces.
Go to his Blog and have a look!


Regine Harr interviewed MANIKÓ's designers Madlen and Isabelle for her show at Wedding Dress #5.

Nelou.TV Fashion Week Special 06 Maniko & Midnight Couture from nelou on Vimeo.

Mittwoch, 14. Juli 2010


NOT JUST A LABEL is the leading global business directory for showcasing avant-garde fashion designers of today, nurturing the upcoming talents of tomorrow. Fortunately MANIKÓ is part of it.
See our profil here

Dienstag, 13. Juli 2010


For all of our spanish speaking people - have a look at the wonderful blog
We Are Selecters. They dropped some lines about us. We are impressed.
Click here to read the article.

Montag, 12. Juli 2010


Thanks to "tweet" for this lovely blog post!
Again we discovered it quite accidentally and got a bright smile on our faces while reading the positive feedback.
Click here to see the article and check!

Sonntag, 11. Juli 2010

Wedding Dress #5 - Day 2

It's Sunday. Second and last day of the Festival Of Urban Fashion And Lifestyle.
It's still hot as hell but we all keep going on.
For all of you who couldn't make it until now - some more beautiful pictures from yesterday by Christoph Wehrer. Including our show piece at the "Wedding remixed" fashion show!

Samstag, 10. Juli 2010


It's Wedding Dress time!
We started the weekend at Brunnenstraße yesterday with the pre-sale for special guests and got a little impression what it's going to look like the next 2 days.
Come along, sweat and shop exclusive designer fashion for the best price you can get in town.
From 12am to 12 pm!!!

Beside our The Offer labels you can find Kilian Kerner, Marcel Ostertag, Anja Bruhn, A.D.Deertz or Reality Studio (and of course many many more).
Visit our MANIKÓ area in the stylish location near u-station Voltastraße and say hello.
We're looking forward to meet you there!

Freitag, 9. Juli 2010


... with MANIKÓ this weekend!

Donnerstag, 8. Juli 2010

MANIKÓ in RibbedMagazine

Surprise, surprise. We've just found an article by Holly Woodcock (7th july) about Berlin Fashion Week and MANIKÓ in the english RibbedMagazine! Have a look at it here!

Black Box Theatre

Thanks to everybody who was involved, helped, supported and showed up yesterday at our special performance presentation with The Offer at Black Box Theatre!
It was a pleasure for us to be part of this fascinating fashion installation with its magical atmosphere.
Big up to the models who gave their best under 50°C (felt air temperature)!
We hope you enjoyed the show. See you at Wedding Dress #5!

Photographer: Christoph Wehrer

The White Project

We proudly present you 2 new MANIKÓ outfits of our upcoming autumn/winter collection, shown yesterday for "The White Project" at Black Box Theatre. The pieces will be released in black only.

Photographer: Christoph Wehrer

Dienstag, 6. Juli 2010


Turn on your radios! Tomorrow 4pm!
Madlen, Isabelle and Nicole (The Offer) gave Winson an interview about the label and their upcoming Fashion Week projects.
So in case you can't join the Black Box Theatre performance tomorrow at 4.30pm listen to Motor FM and be curious what the girls have to say!

Montag, 5. Juli 2010

a little overview

2 days ..

Comtesse de la Haye, Gabriel & Schwan, Helena Koj, Marit Ilison, Sven Bertil, Tata Christiane, von Bardonitz, 25 Pieces, Magdalena Schaffrin, Ica Watermelon and MANIKÓ in 1 performance presentation.
Be on time and join this special show.